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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Members of the CRG share their opinion on the Sandusky Bay Pavilion. Much more to come...

Clarification: CRG is now known as Save Our Shoreline Parks. They changed their name for legal reasons.


Anonymous said...

The past Mr. Jack Sprowl fought Sandusky for YEARS and he won court decisions.

The Battery Park property falls under certain restrictions because it is property that was filled into the bay, the city 25 years ago tried to sell this property but STATE LAW PREVENTS ITS SALE!

Doesn't anyone remember Jacks fights and lawsuits with the City? He made them fall to their needs. The Register has all these young people who know nothing about Sandusky’s history so they know virtually NOTHING about the past fights over this property.

It’s sad they don't know how to research their own achieves and READ what has happened in the courts in years past. The city was NOT allowed to sell the property, period!


Bryan said...

Rich, what year did Sprowl win his court case?

The Register reporters read this stuff...

Anonymous said...

Rich, what do you mean when you say:

"The Battery Park property falls under certain restrictions because it is property that was filled into the bay..."

'filled into the bay?"

What does that mean?

Anonymous said...

Any questions, contact Save Our Shoreline Parks at savebatterypark@aol.com